Learning Journey

The Way to Success

Attitude is everything. I love it when I meet someone who says “I’ve been learning English since I started school and I still can’t speak it”, because I know I will find a way to change that. But then, I’ve been helping learners in Spain, Italy and the UK change their attitude to language learning since 1993. I love seeing people gain confidence and increase their ability to communicate in professional and social situations AND I make sure they have fun on the journey too. You can look forward to your classes now! Read More

10 Essential Steps on the Oakfield Learning Journey

Thanks to 25+ years of experience, a combination of learner centricity and trainer adaptability, Oakfield Learning Journeys will help you achieve learning success and personal satisfaction. Here are the 10 essential steps that make that possibility.

gain in-depth understanding of student needs

establish goals and create a personal SMART plan

use quality authentic materials to stimulate interest

adapt teaching methods to engage and motivate learners

provide supportive learning environment and guidance to raise confidence

encourage learner autonomy and responsibility

present challenges and encourage experimentation with the language

give continuous feedback and maintain an open dialogue between Trainer and learners

personalise classes to provide a bridge between the class and the real world

have fun on the Learning Journey! Learning IS fun!